
根特大学图书塔楼BOOK TOWER跑进谷歌涂鸦板

2013年4月3日,为了纪念来自比利时根特的“新艺术”领袖设计家亨利·凡·德·威尔德先生的150周年诞辰,谷歌隆重推出了纪念涂鸦图画。该纪念涂鸦图画已在比利时、法国、英国、德国、瑞士、澳大利亚和荷兰等地中谷歌网络中展现。涂鸦图画由比利时著名漫画家François Schuiten创作,此公也是2003年亨利·凡·德·威尔德纪念邮票的设计者。在设计图案中,“L”代表的是比利时根特大学的图书馆塔楼BOOK TOWER,隆隆的火车在其下面奔驰。


On April 3rd, 2013 the Google ‘doodle’ or logo on their Belgian search
page is entirely devoted to Henry Van de Velde, the famous architect from
Ghent. April 3rd is the 150st birth day of this Flemish painter, architect and
interior designer.

 The Van de Velde Google doodle will also be shown in France, the UK,Germany, Switserland, Austria and the Netherlands.

The Doodle was designed by François Schuiten. In 2003 he was also the desigber of the Van de Velde post stamp collection. He explains his design for the doodle:

  •    ‘G’ stands for his
    • pictural and pointillistic period
    • ‘O’ stands for his
      graphic work, the drafsman of Arts and Crafts
    • ‘O represents his designs
      for furniture and utensils
    • ‘G’ stands for the
      architect and his designs like the Théâtre des Champs Elysées in Paris
    • ‘L’ represents the
      ‘Boekentoren’ (Book Tower) of Ghent University
      , below the artistic
      designs for the Belgian Railways
  • ‘E’ stands for the gate
    to another world 


亨利·凡·德·威尔德(Henry Van de Velde),19世纪末比利时早期设计运动的核心人物与领导者,杰出的设计家、设计理论家和教育家。


更多请阅读Henry Van de Velde纪念网站,或百度百科

《根特大学图书塔楼BOOK TOWER跑进谷歌涂鸦板》有3个想法

  1. 我也收到了学校发过来的邮件,提示说图书馆上了Google.be的主面Doodle. 看来他们也挺把这个事当回事的。

    1. 的确,不知道当时怎么想的,鹤立鸡群建这么高一个塔楼,在这边还是比较少见的。

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