

前几天去了一趟加拿大蒙特利尔,主要是为了参加麦吉尔大学印度洋研究中心举办的”The European Impact on the Indian Ocean World International Conference”(欧洲对于印度洋的影响国际学术会议)。此会议为国际超大型研究项目“The Indian Ocean World: The Making of the First Global Economy in the Context of Human-Environment Interaction”的年度会议。之所以说它是国际超大型研究项目,是因为这个项目系由加拿大政府资助,其研究经费之多、参与者之广泛、时间跨度之大、研究范围之广都令人吃惊。我所在的团队是第三组暨亚洲海域史研究组,该项目中与中国紧密相关的还有第四组暨郑和研究组。显然,因为地域的缘故,亚洲海域史在印度洋世界研究中并不属于中心地位,即便如此,仍有数位教授和博士生参与,其余的核心团队参与人数更是众多,其它核心团队的参与者就更多了。



我在会议上的演讲题目是”Wokou, Diplomacy and Coastal Defence: Wokou problem in Shandong in Ming Dynasty from the perspective of Northeast Asia maritime history”(《倭寇、外交与海防:东北亚视角下的明初山东倭寇问题》),可惜的是,演讲有些紧张,好像没有用完原计划的20分钟。演讲结束后,回答了三个相关问题,感觉比想象中的要好——因为我一直很担心听不懂提问者所提出的问题而导致尴尬局面的发生。与我同一组的是牛津大学的Jennifer Craig博士,果然是高材生啊,演讲起来绘声绘色的,比我的英语不知要好上多少倍——能不能熟练掌握一门语言的一个重要标志是:你能不能熟练地用它来“幽人一把”!

和我的美女导师Prof. Angela Schottenhammer萧婷教授的合影




The European Impact on the Indian Ocean World
9-10 September 2013
IOWC, McGill
Conference Schedule
Conference venue: New Residence Hall, 3625 Avenue du Parc
(see http://indianoceanworldcentre.com/location_nrh)

Monday, 9 September 2013
Session 1, 9h00-10h20
Chair: Gwyn Campbell (IOWC, McGill)
Ron Kydd (Tyndale Seminary), “Prelude to Impact: Eurasian trade patterns prior to
1400 CE”
Lauren-Victoria Hellrung (McGill), “A Legacy of Resource Appropriation: British colonial
impact on the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh from 1760-1947”

Session 2, 10h40-12h00
Chair: Amitava Chowdhury (Queen’s University)
Andrea Seligman (Northwestern University), “Reckoning Their Own Values: Local
preferences, Ruvuma societies, and the Portuguese in the Wider East African-Indian
Ocean World, 1500-1700 C.E.”
Rogério A de Moura (State University of Campinas-Brazil), “Footprints of a Portuguese
Diaspora in a Contemporary India”

Session 3, 13h00-14h20
Chair: Ron Kydd (Tyndale Seminary)
Ma Guang (Ghent University), “Wokou, Diplomacy and Coastal Defence: Wokou倭寇
problem in Shandong in Ming Dynasty from the perspective of Northeast Asia maritime
Jennifer Craig (University of Oxford), “The baggala: 16th-century evidence of transfer of
ship aesthetics from Europeans to Arabian seafarers?”

Session 4, 14h40-16h40
Chair, Andrea Seligman (Northwestern University)
Frederick  Armah,  Isaac  Luginaah,  Mengieng  Ung  (Western  University)  and  Ratana
Chuenpagdee (Memorial  University),  “Neglected  Tropical  Diseases  in  the  Western
Indian Oceans: Historical overview, status and epidemiology in Tanzania”
Lukáš Tencer (École de Technologie Supérieure, Université du Québec), “Development
of Enabling Technologies for Study of Ancient Documents in Collaborative
Pablo Arroyo-Mora, Ablajan Sulaiman and Margaret Kalácska (McGill), “Development
of a relational database and webportal for large scale historical data analysis”

Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Coffee, 8h45-9h00
Session 5, 9h00-10h20
Chair, Peter Hynd, (IOWC, McGill)
Gwyn Campbell (IOWC, McGill), “The European Impact on the Indian Ocean World
1500-1800: An overview”
Amitava  Chowdhury  (Queen\’s  University),  “The  Death  of  the  Dodo:  Some
environmental  consequences  of  European  colonization  in  the  southwestern  Indian

Session 6, 10h40-12h00
Chair, Erin Bell (IOWC, McGill)
Frederick  Armah,  Isaac  Luginaah,  Mengieng  Ung  (Western  University)  and  Ratana
Chuenoagdee (Memorial  University),  “Resource  and  \’Changing\’  Habitat  Taboos  in
Environmental Conservation: The role of taboos in fisheries in coastal Tanzania”
Anna Winterbottom (IOWC, McGill) and Minakshi Menon (UC San Diego), “Natural
Knowledge and the Making of Madras, c.1680-1790”

Session 7, 13h00-14h20
Chair, Jennifer Craig (University of Oxford)
Arthur  Green  (Okanagan  College),  “Legal  Memes:  The  historical  transfer  of  ideas  of
property throughout the Indian Ocean region”
Rashed Chowdhury (University of Manitoba), “\’Without Let or Hindrance\’: British Indian
passports in pre-revolutionary Russia”

Session 8, 14h40-16h00
Chair, Anna Winterbottom (IOWC, McGill)
Erin  Bell  (IOWC,  McGill),  “Power  and  Resistance  in  the  Indian  Ocean  World:  The
football pitch and spaces of leisure and sport in colonial Kenya, Zanzibar, and India”
Peter Hynd (IOWC, McGill), “British Rule and Changes in Indian Alcohol Production”


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