

Chinese Studies in the Netherlands: Past, Present and Future (荷兰中国学研究:过去、现在与未来)近日由国际知名的Brill出版社出版。莱顿大学(荷兰)设立于1575年,是荷兰最古老的大学,其人文科学和自然科学研究很发达,历史上曾诞生过许多著名的学者。莱顿大学有“欧洲汉学重镇”之称,早在1851年莱顿大学就设立了中文专业;1876年又设立了第一个汉学教授职位,举办中国语言和文化讲座;在20世纪30年代和60年代又根据形势发展的需要先后建立了中国学研究的专业学术机构———汉学研究院和现代中国文献研究中心。从1890年起,以莱顿为基地的汉学家和欧洲其他地区的汉学家合办了一本汉学期刊,名叫《通报》(T’oung Pao),在莱顿发行。这本《通报》到今天依然无间断的出版。《通报》被称作西方世界当今最具权威性的三部汉学学报之一。



Wilt L. Idema (Editor)
Paperback: 314 pages
Publisher: Brill Academic Pub (December 31, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9004225919
ISBN-13: 978-9004225916
Product Dimensions: 1.2 x 8 x 10 inches


List of Illustrations VII
Wilt L. Idema, Chinese Studies in the Netherlands  1
Leonard Blussé, Of Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water: Leiden University’s Early Sinologists (1854-1911)  27
Berend ter Haar, Betwenn the Dutch East Indies and Philogoy (1919-1974)  69
Barend ter Haar, Rediscovering Chinese Religion and Contemporary China  105
Rint Sybesma, A History of Chinese Linguistics in the Netherlands  127
Frank N. Peike, Contemporary China Studies in the Netherlands, 159
Mark Leenhouts, Between Money and Curiosity: On the Study and Translation of Chinese Literature in the Netherlands and Flanders  191
Oliver Moore, China’s Art and Material Culture  211
Albert Hoffstadt, Dutch Sinology and Brill  251
Maghiel van Crevel, China Awareness, Area Studies, High School Chinese: Here to say, and Looking Forward  263
Bibliography  275
About the Contributors  305
Index of Names  309
Index of Titles  313



The Netherlands have a long and proud history in Chinese studies. This volume collects not only articles that trace the historical development of Chinese studies in the Netherlands from the middle of the nineteenth century to the present and beyond, but also studies that deal with Dutch research in specific disciplines within Chinese studies. Chinese studies in the Netherlands originated from the needs of the Dutch colonial administration in the Dutch East Indies, but developed a strong philological emphasis in the first part of the twentieth century, to turn increasingly towards disciplinary research on modern and contemporary China in the last few decades.

Contributors include Leonard Blussé, Maghiel van Crevel, Barend ter Haar, Albert Hoffstädt, Wilt Idema, Mark Leenhouts, Oliver Moore, Frank Pieke and Rint Sybesma.

后记:本来想把Chinese Studies 翻译成“汉学”的,但是后来想想,还是翻译成“中国学”吧。二者区别还是有的,而且有时候还挺大——译名的变化也能看出欧美由“汉学”转向“中国学”的研究趋向。



    1. 汉学的话,一般就是侧重研究传统中国文化的,研究方法上侧重历史、语言、文字;




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