

世界史协会(World History Association)第25届年会将在比利时根特大学举行(2016年6月2-5号);另外,根特大学还将举行The European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH) 博士生暑期学校,目前正在接受报名。以下为会议与暑期学校的征集论文详情:

1,The 25th Annual World History Association Conference Call for Papers

Ghent, Belgium  |  July 2-5, 2016
Submission Deadline  |  January 10, 2016

This year’s conference themes are: “Global Conflict” and “Transformation of the Global Countryside.”

The World History Association eagerly invites proposals from students, scholars, and teachers around the world on topics related to the scholarly and/or pedagogical aspects of the conference’s themes:

•  Organized Panels (up to 3 panelists, one chair, and optionally, one discussant) – Individual papers, maximum of 20 minutes in length (panels of 4 have a maximum of 15 minutes in length for papers)

•  Single papers (not part of an Organized Panel)

•  Roundtables (between 4 to 6 participants) –5 minute opening statements from participants and then conversational dialogue with the audience

•  Workshops on specific teaching techniques or practices

•  Proposals for poster displays and presentations

•  Meet the Author sessions—an excellent opportunity for exchanges between authors and end-users of books and texts, explanations of methods, and suggestions for use

PLEASE NOTE: Prearranged (organized) panels/roundtables/workshops are given priority in the program and receive earlier notification of acceptance. Individual papers will also be considered and, if accepted, are arranged into suitable panels by the Program Committee. Individual papers will receive a later notice of acceptance due to the nature of finding appropriate placement.

The World History Association encourages scholarly and pedagogical proposals. The WHA is an interdisciplinary organization that seeks to create conversations about scholarship and teaching within and outside the field of history. Work in Anthropology, Political Science, Literature, Art, and other Humanities and Social Sciences is welcomed and encouraged.

Each proposal should include: a maximum 250-word abstract for each paper, a one page curriculum vitae for each participant, and biographical details for use in the introduction by the chair. All papers should be presented in English. Please be thoughtful of A/V requests. While we should have ideal technological facilities, A/V is subject to failure, regardless of location. As always, handouts are welcome.

“世界史学会”(World History Association)是1982年在美国成立的一个国际性学术组织,现有约1500名正式注册会员,分别来自40多个国家和地区。其宗旨在于促进世界 史领域的学术研究和教学,侧重以跨国家、跨地区、跨文化的襟怀扶持历史学科的教学和学术研究,全力推进超越民族国家、超越某一特定地区或某一特定文化的全 人类视角的历史分析模式。

2,Summer School, European Network in Universal and Global History, June 30-July 2, 2016

The summer may seem far away, but it’s not too early to begin planning your conference and research travel for the vacation season—especially if you’re a PhD candidate working on transnational and global topics. The European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH) has recently announced a summer workshop for doctoral candidates to take place in Ghent, Belgium from June 30 to July 2, 2016 (time to coincide with the World History Association‘s Annual Conference immediately thereafter, thus capturing two birds with one stone.)

The recent call for applications explains more about the summer school, titled “Connectivity and Change: Regimes, Conflicts and Revolutions in Global Perspectives”:

About ten years ago historians began to open up to encounters across borders and entanglements between far-flung parts of the word. Now a lively research on transnational, transregional, world and global history topics exists, which is not only done by senior scholars but also by an ever increasing number of doctoral students. In that course connectivity has become a category for describing and explaining the past, of individual societies as well as of large-scale processes playing out at different places. 

The European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH) is happy to introduce – in addition to its regular congresses (the last in Paris in 2014, the coming in Budapest in 2017) – a summer school for PhD students and welcomes the opportunity to organize it together with well-known research institutes from across Europe and this time in conjunction with the meeting of the World History Association in Ghent in early July 2016.

The summer school takes up on the above-mentioned trend and addresses one particular aspect, namely the role of actors and interactions in social and political change. To study the destabilization of existing orders in times of globalization asks for a reflection from different angles, including conflict-fraught transformations in urban settings and the countryside, conversions of socio-economic configurations and labour regimes as well as revolutionary changes of political orders and its various ways of legitimization. We invite doctoral students to present on-going research dealing with connections between changes in different places and societies, including:

– the spread and circulation of ideas, vocabulary and practices that seek to alter political structures, legal frameworks and global hierarchies of power
– the cross-references to earlier conflicts and revolutions and the transnational construction of traditions of social and political struggle
– the interrelation of global / foreign and domestic causes, with its related processes of adaptation and appropriation
– the description and comparison of different cultures of protest, of different attitudes and experiences of conflict and revolutionary change 
– the identification of actors and groups of actors, who to built up and used entanglements for their purposes, including their capacity to mitigate between different spaces of action and to construct transnational and transregional visions of global reference and connectivity
– and the cross-border effects of social conflicts and revolutions, including the de- and re-stabilization of existing order (state-building processes and global regulation). 

Overall, the summer school offers an environment to discuss in-depth methodological and interpretative issues of writing connected histories of conflicts and revolutions. Panels will be mixed, composed of doctoral students presenting their works and of senior scholars commenting and introducing the related larger historiographical debates.

Following the summer school, participants can attend and profit from the 25th Annual Conference of the World History Association taking place in Ghent July 2-5 2016, which has chosen as its main themes “Global Conflict” and “Transformation of the Global Countryside.” 

The language of presentations will be English but papers in French or German are possible as well. Participants are expected to present a paper of 6,000-8,000 words length as the basis for discussion with the whole group.

If this sounds of interest to you—and you are a current doctoral candidate—send in an application! The application should consist of “a CV, a letter from the supervisor confirming the state of the dissertation, a summary/exposé of the dissertation (3000 words), a summary of your planned paper of 300 words” and be sent to ENIUGH Headquarters at headquarters@eniugh.org no later than December 15, 2015.


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