
招生 | 历史学博士生奖学金(澳大利亚Murdoch University)

:澳大利亚Murdoch University,PhD Scholarship in Trans-Pacific Environmental and Maritime History, $27,596/年(免税),待遇较好。Angela Schottenhammer(萧婷)教授已正式转到比利时鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)任教,她所主持的跨太平洋贸易史项目,获得欧洲研究委员会最高级别资助,244万欧元(≈1900万RMB),今年已正式启动,该招生项目为其合作项目之一。

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PhD Scholarship in Trans-Pacific Environmental and Maritime History

Applications open for 2020

Expressions of interest are sought for a fully funded three year PhD scholarship at the Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University, in association with Professor Angela Schottenhammer’s European Union Project, ‘The Structure and Impact of Trans-Pacific Trade, 16th to 18th Centuries: The Manila Galleon Trade Beyond Silver and Silks’, anchored at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven .

The successful applicant will join a team of scholars led by Emeritus Professor James Warren and focusing on the Southeast Asian and Indo-Pacific regions. Investigations for this particular project centres upon the Manila Galleon trade and Spain’s efforts to colonize the Philippines, which were often placed in jeopardy due to maritime disasters, naufragios or shipwrecks, caused by the weather (cyclonic storms), the vagaries of cartography and bathymetry, and human error. The Manila Galleon trade was one of the most persistent, perilous and profitable trans-oceanic enterprises in the annals of colonial economic history. Shipwrecks of the Manila Galleons were always a calamitous event in the 250-year (1565-1815) history of the trans-pacific line stretching between Manila and Acapulco. This project is concerned with investigating why and how these maritime disasters occurred. The project will address the frequency, geographic distribution and causes of shipwrecks of Manila Galleons and the calamity it caused for the Philippines. The project will also attempt to quantify the impacts of the loss of the galleons at particular moments in time on the colony and the Trans-Pacific trade over several centuries. This groundbreaking research initiative is not limited solely to the discipline of history, involving maritime archaeology, geography, and the environmental sciences.

Applications are invited for candidates with similar or complementary research interests. Essential criteria include:

  • An International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 7.0 or above;
  • A first-class Honours or Masters degree with a thesis component in a relevant historical or related social science field;
  • Demonstrated archival and/or fieldwork experience;
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team.

In addition, familiarity with the Spanish language and/or ability to read early modern Spanish is required.

The successful candidate will be based at the Asia Research Centre in the College of Arts, Business, Law and Social Sciences, Murdoch University, in Perth, Western Australia. The Asia Research Centre has a strong track record of innovative research in the social and environmental history of Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean World, and offers a supportive and collegial environment to postgraduate students.

The scholarship is open to domestic and international applicants. The scholarship provides tuition fee coverage, and a stipend (tax free) $27,596 per year, the equivalent value of a Murdoch International Postgraduate Scholarships (MIPS), plus additional funding for archival research and fieldwork (9,000 Euros) provided from Professor Schottenhammer’s European Union Grant.

Applications should include a current CV and thesis proposal and be sent to Emeritus Professor James Warren at j.warren@murdoch.edu.au by no later than 1 July 2020. The thesis proposal should be approximately 6-8 pages and be divided under the following sub-headings: Title; Research Question; Relevant Literature; Sources; Approach and Method.  Selected applicants will then be invited to submit proposals via Murdoch University’s postgraduate scholarship application process. Applicants must be able to commence no later than January 2021.

For more information please write to Emeritus Professor James Warren at J.Warren@murdoch.edu.au.

《招生 | 历史学博士生奖学金(澳大利亚Murdoch University)》有2个想法

  1. 马老师您好,我即将迎来应届毕业,硕士是作太平洋史和国际维和的。之前在慕尼黑生活了半年,会一点德语,想直接申请咱们的项目,请问需要不需要德福或者雅思成绩呢;硕士第一年看过一些封贡体系的资料,写了一篇文章,不适合在国内发表,可以作为博士期间的研究计划吗,谢谢老师

    1. 按照上面的要求,是需要雅思7.0或以上的。研究计划,没有固定范围,可根据上面的研究方向自行设计。

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