Book festivals 2013
February 28 to 3 / mon | Home Boxx Nieuwegein | |
March 21-24 | Nekkerhal Mechelen | |
4 to 7 April | Kortrijk Xpo | |
April 25 to 28 | MECC Maastricht | |
9 to 12 May | Go Planet Enschede Expo Hall | |
May 23 to 26 | Antwerp Expo | |
June 13 to 16 | WTC Expo Leeuwarden | |
June 20 to 23 | Americahal Apeldoorn | |
July 4 to 7 | Flanders Expo Ghent | |
September 5 to 8 | Jaarbeurs Utrecht | |
September 26 to 29 | Ethias Arena Hasselt | |
October 3 to 6 | Brussels Expo | |
31 to 3 Oct / Nov | Beursgebouw Eindhoven | |
November 14 to 17 | IJsselhallen Zwolle | |
November 21 to 24 | Nekkerhal Mechelen | |
December 19 to 22 | Flanders Expo Ghent |
Book festivals 2014
January 23 to 26 | Ahoy Rotterdam | |
February 6 to 9 | Home Boxx Nieuwegein | |
March 6 to 9 | Brabanthal Leuven |
Book Trade shows Belgium 2013
Kortrijk, Belgium
Het Boekenfestijn-Book Festival
Business sectors: Book Fairs
Antwerp, Belgium
Het Boekenfestijn-Book Festival
Business sectors: Book Fairs
Leuven, Belgium
Het Boekenfestijn-Book Festival
Business sectors: Book Fairs
Brussels, Belgium
FLB-Brussels Book Fair
Business sectors: Book Fairs
Here you find all trade shows Belgium 2013 in chronological order, listed for Book Fairs.
Besides the short name of trade shows Belgium 2013 the hit list provides you with the venue and the dates of the trade fair. Also the business sectors which are relevant for this trade show in Belgium are listed in the overview.
When you click an individual trade show entry in the overview a separate document opens which gives you all details for this trade fair. For all trade shows Belgium 2013 the exact dates of the trade fair, business and main exhibit sectors, dates for the build-up and dismantling of the exhibition are compiled. Furthermore for some documents of trade shows Belgium 2013 further details are listed like the groups of visitors to whom the show is open, the year when the trade show was first held and the trade show’s frequency. In some trade show overviews statistics including the number of exhibitors and visitors, the exhibition space in square metres, as in some entries the prices for exhibiting give the user an idea of the size and relevance of this trade show.
For all trade shows Belgium 2013 the trade fair documents also include the name of the trade show’s organizer, contact details and information on the venue.
If trade shows Belgium 2013 is not what you have been looking for, you can resort to the breadcrumb navigation on top of this website. By clicking on one of the “crumbs” you can go back to a former search level and decide on changing search criteria. Besides this the bread crumb navigation also helps you to find your way on the website and to know where you are.
There are various search links in the footer navigation, too, like for example for top fair places Europe.
from: http://www.expodatabase.com/international-trade-shows/leisure-hobby-entertainment/book-fairs/belgium/2013/
转发一个鲁汶书展的实地考察贴:(原帖发于2013-02-18,鲁汶心情, by seesky)
630公交车行驶了20分钟,终于到了布拉班特公爵灵魂不散之地。满车的人居然都是去书市的。再看停车场里, 停着数百辆私家车。市场则是很大的L形,走进去一看两个大屋子,如同两个大足球场,人群则摩肩接踵。入口处有推车和篮筐,宛如超市。我想无非是简单一逛,故未提篮。朋友说,万一走散,等会电话联系。我还不以为然,怎么可能走散呢。等我稍稍一逛,拿了三五本在手中,就知道原先判断有误,复又到门边来取篮筐。
西人爱读书,由此见一斑(西方地铁站里常见人捧着厚待千夜的书在读,千万别认为他是装模做样,见他们快下车时总是书签一插,的确在挤时间读书呢。)。书展里,有人推着超市那种车,居然装了满满一车!就像是在超市里买了一车的萝卜青菜牛肉猪肉奶酪啤酒巧克力一样,记得书展有一种书的主题写着:brain food,多为自然科学之书,许是费脑之故,故得名。我们亦常说,书乃精神食粮。黄山谷有一句名言:“三日不读书,便觉语言无味,面目可憎。”不仅面目可憎,按照brain food的说法,不读书,会“脑死亡”啊!
Since I have Kindle, it is not neccessary to buy printed books for me. Of course what I read is just for fun.