按:此会议为上海中国航海博物馆与澳门大学、奥地利萨尔茨堡大学、加拿大麦吉尔大学等机构联合举办的国际会议。澳大、萨尔茨堡大学的组织者分别为Prof. Robert Antony(安乐博)、Prof. Angela Schottenhammer(萧婷),一个是我的硕士生导师,一个是我现在的博导。本来,大家相约要去上海喝啤酒呢!不料,前段各地考察回来之后,发现因为前三年买书、开会和调研花费太多,结果我的项目经费所剩不多,所以只好取消了该会议。赴会的有若干国际知名学者,所讲题目也非常有趣,有兴趣的朋友可以去听听。

1. 海上交通与贸易
2. 海图、航海术与海洋文献
3. 海洋社会、生活与文化
Conference Introduction
Conference Mission
In history, the“silk road” generally refers to the trade route which connected China with itsoutside world. With the route extended from the land to the sea, Chinese peopleopened up to the outside world, to gain more exchanges not only in commoditiesbut in technologies, ideas and cultures. When we refer to “Beyond the Silk Road” in the study of maritime history andculture, we have in mind the exploration of new documentary sources andboundless examinations of maritime subjects. Our conference will exploremulti-dimensional methods and widen -opened views. The topics for conferencediscussion will include maritime trade and transportation, maritime history anddocuments, ancient maps, nautical technology and shipping-building skills,maritime archaeology and anthropology, maritime migration, and we hope muchmore. By holding the conference, we’d like to further explore maritime historyand culture, as well as facilitating academic exchange and co-operation betweenChina and overseas maritime field.
Theme: Beyond the Silk Road: Asian Maritime History and Culture
Topics forthree panels:
1. Sea Transportation and Maritime Trade
2. Ancient Maps, Nautical Technology and Maritime Documents
3. Marine Society, Seafaring Life and Culture
Timeand venue
Date: August 19-22, 2015
Venue: Shanghai PearlHotel
Address:No.212,Zhaojiabang Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
Hosted by:
China Maritime Museum
The University of Macau
University of Salzburg
Committee of ChinaMaritime Museums
Committee of MaritimeHistory and Culture Research
1. 请参会代表按照会议活动日程准时参加各项活动。
2. 请参会代表全程佩戴参会证,并在用餐、进出会场时向工作人员出示。
3. 会议期间各分会场召集人、论文报告人、翻译人员及出席人员请准时到达预定会场。因故不能出席的,请提前告知会务组。
4. 会议全程中英双语进行,各分议题专场每篇论文报告时间控制在10分钟以内,提要翻译5分钟;报告人需自行准备PPT。
赵 莉 13651852343 单 丽 13564017056
顾宇辉 15900965869 荣 亮 13761692511
Attendance Tips
1. Please takepart in the activities on time according to the conference schedule.
2. Please wearthe conference card and show it when having meals and enter the conferencerooms.
3. During theconference, all the attendees including the chairs of each panel, the paper presenters,the interpreters should be on the spot on time. Those who will be late or absent,please inform the conference staff in advance.
4. Theconference will be operated in bilingual form. Each panelist should prepare PPTin advance and gives a ten-minute presentation according to PPT and paper,after that the interpreter will provide a summary translation in 5 minutes.
5. Theconference papers can be downloaded for reference online from the website http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJ9od67 with the password 6kj9,which is availabletill Sep.15, 2015.
6. The routefrom the airport to the hotel recommended as the following:
(1) From Pudong Airport tothe hotel: Take line 2 to Century Avenue Station, transfer Line 9 to JiashanRoad Station, Exit 2.
(2) From Hongqiao Airportto the hotel: Take line 10 to Jiaotong University Station, transfer line 11 toXujiahui Sation, transfer line 9 to Jiashan Road Station, Exit 2.
(3) From Shanghai Railway Station to the hotel:Take line1 to Xujiahui Station, transfer line 9 to Jiashan Road Station, Exit2.
7. Theattendees who will join the post-conference tour program please check out and assembleat 8:30 in the hotel lobby on Aug 22. Since it will be hot during that time,please protect yourself from the sunshine and extreme heat.
For anyquestion of the conference, please contact:
Zhao Li 13651852343 Shan Li 13564017056
Gu Yugui 15900965869 Rong Liang 13761692511
日 期 | 时 间 | 内 容 | 地 点 |
8月19日 | 全天 | 参会报到安排入住 | 上海明珠大饭店大堂 |
8月20日 | 9:00~12:00 | 1.开幕式2.古地图捐赠仪式3.合影4.主旨发言 | 上海明珠大饭店五楼会议室明珠厅 |
12:00~13:30 | 午餐、休息 | 上海明珠大饭店四楼餐厅(自助餐) | |
13:30~18:05 | 议题1:海上交通与贸易 | 上海明珠大饭店五楼会议室明珠厅 | |
18:30~20:00 | 晚餐 | 上海明珠大饭店四楼餐厅 | |
8月21日 | 8:30~11:50 | 议题2:海图、航海术与海洋文献 | 上海明珠大饭店五楼会议室明博厅 |
12:00~13:30 | 午餐、休息 | 上海明珠大饭店四楼餐厅 | |
13:30~17:45 | 议题3:海洋社会、生活与文化 | 上海明珠大饭店五楼会议室明博厅 | |
17:45~17:55 | 中国航海博物馆推介 | ||
17:55~18:20 | 闭幕式 |
Date | Time | Program | Venue |
August 19 | All day | Registration and check-in | Lobby of Shanghai Pearl Hotel |
August 20 | 9:00~12:00 | 1. opening ceremony2. the donation of the ancient map replica to CMM3. photo-taking4. keynote speeches | Mingzhu Hall, 5F,Shanghai Pearl Hotel |
12:00~13:30 | Lunch and rest | Restaurant, 4F(buffet) | |
13:30~18:05 | Panel1: Sea Transportation and maritime trade | Mingzhu Hall, 5F | |
18:30~20:00 | Dinner | Restaurant, 4F | |
August 21 | 8:30~11:50 | Panel2: Ancient maps, nautical technology and maritime documents | Mingbo Hall, 5F |
12:00~13:30 | Lunch and rest | Restaurant, 4F | |
13:30~17:45 | Panel3: Marine society, seafaring life and culture | Mingbo Hal, 5F | |
17:45~17:55 | Brief introduction of CMM academy and research | ||
17:55~18:20 | Closing Ceremony |
会议议程 (Program)
8月20日(星期四)上午 August 20(Thursday) Morning
9:00 ~ 9:40 开幕式 Opening ceremony
地 点:上海明珠大饭店五楼会议室明珠厅
Venue: Mingzhu Hall, 5F, Shanghai Pearl Hotel
Chair: Qian Jianguo /Vice director of China Maritime Museum
1. 中国航海博物馆领导及嘉宾致辞
Welcome remarks by representative of CMM
2. 澳门大学教授 安乐博 致辞
Opening address by Prof. Robert Antony from the University of Macau
3. 奥地利萨尔茨堡大学、加拿大麦克吉尔大学教授 萧婷 致辞
Opening address by Prof. AngelaSchottenhammer from the University of Salzburg & McGill University
4. 台湾新竹清华大学人文社会研究中心向中国航海博物馆捐赠原尺寸复制的《古今形胜之图》(张东苏/中国航海博物馆党委书记、黄一农/台湾新竹清华大学人文社会研究中心主任)
Ancient map replica donation to CMM by Taiwan Qinghua University(Zhang Dongsu /Executive director of CMM & Prof. Hung Yinong /Directorof the center for Humanities and Society center in Taiwan Qinghua University)
9:40 ~ 9:50 集体合影 Photo-taking
9:50 ~11:50 主旨发言 Keynote speech
地 点:上海明珠大饭店五楼会议室明珠厅
Venue: Mingzhu Hall, 5F, Shanghai Pearl Hotel
Chair: Dr. Zhou Qunhua /CMM Assistant Director & the Chief of Academic and Research department of CMM
9:50~10:20 China’s Rise and Retreat as a Maritime Power
Prof. AngelaSchottenhammer /The University of Salzburg & McGill University
10:20~10:50 《19世纪末北美的轮船公司与北太平洋航路——从上海到北美洲》
松浦 章/日本关西大学亚洲文化研究中心主任、教授
Prof. Akira MATSUURA /Asian Culture Researchcenter in Kansai University
10:50~11:20 《从明清册封琉球使团的组成看中国人的航海生活》
Prof. Xie Bizhen /The center for studies ofFujian and Taiwan, Fujian Normal University
11:20~11:50 提问交流 Questions and Discussions
8月20日(星期四)下午August 20 (Thursday) Afternoon
13:30~18:05 议题一“海上交通与贸易”
Panel I: Sea transportation andmaritime trade
地 点:上海明珠大饭店 五楼会议室明珠厅
Venue: Mingzhu Hall, 5F, Shanghai Pearl Hotel
Chair: Angela Schottenhammer /Professor of the University ofSalzburg & McGill University
13:30~13:45Judith Cameron: A PrehistoricMaritime Silk Road: Merchants, Boats, Cloth and Jade
13:45~14:00李 漫: Where is”Yinyou”: The Tea Route between Liao and Southern Tang and its portsof Departure
14:00~14:15Tansen Sen: The far horizons: theChanging Patterns of Maritime Interactions between China and South Asia,1000-1450
14:15~14:30Adam Clulow: Distant Justice:Maritime networks and legal forum shopping
14:30~14:45John Chaffee (贾志扬): Pu Shougen Reconsidered: Pu, His Family, and their Role in theMaritime Trade of Quanzhou
14:45~15:00 提问交流 Questions and Discussion
15:00~15:20 茶 歇 Coffee Break
15:20~15:35Oláh Csaba: Some remarks on theinspection of foreign products by Chineseauthorities during the Ming Period
15:35~15:50白 斌:明代海洋政策与宁波港口地位变迁研究
15:50~16:05 张兰星:16-17世纪澳门——长崎航线的葡萄牙巨船
16:05~16:20 Weichung Cheng(郑维中): VOC Mariners’ Nautical Investigations along Two Shores of TaiwanStrait (1622-1636)
16:20~16:35 Manel Ollé (呕洋安): The Pacific Connection: the Manila Galleon impact in East Asia
16:35~16:50 提问交流 Questions and Discussion
16:50~17:05 Elke Papelitzky: Sea routes to Thailand described in Chinese texts ofMing Dynasty
17:05~17:20 王竹敏:20世纪前半叶泰国华商的投资与银行业
17:20~17:35 武 强:基于泰尔指数的近代中国对外贸易差异研究(1910—1931)
17:35~17:50 Ha Sae-Bong(河世凤):解读中国的海洋史研究:具有丝绸之路的意义吗?
17:50~18:05 提问交流 Questions and Discussion
会议议程 (Program)
8月21日(星期五)上午August 21 (Friday) Morning
8:30~11:50 议题二“海图、航海术与海洋文献”
Panel II: Ancient maps, nauticaltechnology and maritime documents
地 点:上海明珠大饭店 五楼会议室明博厅
Venue: Mingbo Hall, 5F, Shanghai Pearl Hotel
Chair: Xie Bizhen /Professor of the Center for Studies of Fujian andTaiwan, Fujian Normal University
8:30~8:45 刘义杰:海道针经述论
8:45~9:00 黄后杰:福州往琉球针路变化考
9:00~9:15 邹振环:南怀仁《坤舆全图》及其绘制的美洲和大洋洲动物图文
9:15~9:30 李毓中:西班牙海军博物馆所藏武吉斯海图研究:以马来半岛为例
9:30~9:45 周运中:牛津明末闽商航海图中的中国南海与东海
9:45~10:00 提问交流 Questions and Discussion
10:20~10:35 谭玉华:《商船制造全书》与明清之际来华西洋船——基于中西文献史籍的对读
10:35~10:50 牛军凯:15-18世纪越南南行路程图研究
10:50~11:05 吴巍巍:从西文图籍看西方人对钓鱼岛认知的演变
11:05~11:20 郭 渊:睦邻政策与中国在南海争端中的立场
11:20~11:35 尤泽峰:海上丝绸之路之见证——被唤醒的古沉船
11:35~11:50 提问交流 Questions and Discussion
13:30~13:45 Stephen Davies(戴伟思): When wasmaritime Asia? Toponymy and the creation of identities
13:45~14:00 Robert Antony(安乐博): On theFeminization of the South China Seas: Clues and Speculations in History
14:00~14:15 Hugh R. Clark(柯胡): The CoastalCultures of Ancient Fujian and the Roots of Regional Cults
14:15~14:30 Vincent Wai-kit Ho(何伟杰): ExploringChinese Coastal Cultural Heritage: Tangible Monuments, Intangible Folklore, andHistorical Memory
14:30~14:45 提问交流 Questions and Discussion
14:45~15:00 Patrick Joseph Connolly: Macao’s Struggle in the Suppression ofPiracy, 1860-1890
15:00~15:15 Maria Petrucci: CaughtBetween Piracy and Trade: The Shimazu of Southern Japan at the onset of the newTokugawa Regime, 1599-1630
15:45~16:00 提问交流 Questions and Discussion
16:30~16:45陈 波:对马倭书与朝鲜传闻——朝鲜与日本围绕三藩之乱的情报交涉
16:45~17:00Ubaldo Iaccarino: Conquistadors of the Celestial Empire: The Spanish Policy towardChina at the End of the 16th century
17:00~17:15杭 行: Overseas ChineseState-building and Identity on the Southeast Asian Frontier
17:30~17:45 提问交流 Questions and Discussion
17:45~18:20 博物馆推介、总结会议成果、闭幕式
Presentation of CMM, conference conclusion & closingceremony
Chair: Dr. Zhou Qunhua /CMM AssistantDirector & the Chief of Academic and Researchdepartment of CMM
Conference conclusion by Prof. Robert Antony from the University ofMacau
1. 中国航海博物馆推介 Presentation of CMM
2. 会议总结、闭幕 Conclusions